Tuesday 29 March 2011

Biometric Input

Is the technology of authenticating a person’s identify by verifying a personal characteristic. Biometric Input grant user’s access to programs, systems or room by analyzing some physical body characteristic likes fingerprints, hand geometry, facial features, voice, signature and eye patterns.

Types of Biometric Input

Finger print reader: Captures curves and indenpetations of a finger print. Allow access program using finger print instead of entering a user name or password.

Face recognition system: Captures a live face image and compares it with a stored image to determine if the person is a legitimate user. Been use to access to room.

Voice verification system: Compares a person live speech with their stored voice pattern. Company uses this technology for access to sensitive files and networks.

Signature verification system: recognizes the shape of your handwritten signature as well as measure the pressure exerted and the motion used to write signature. It uses specialized pen and tablet.

Iris recognition systems: Iris recognition technology use to read pattern in the iris of the eye. It’s so expensive and been use by a government and certain company that deal with highly sensitive data.

Retinal scanner: Use eye but scan pattern of blood vessel in the back of the retina.